Terry was born at 2:30am at Palmerston North hospital on exactly the same day as his birthday. His first home he lived in was over in Ashhurst, a small town just out of PN. His mother, a fine woman in her own right, was once heard to remark on how intelligent her son was. Terry's first experience of waterskiing was behind Andrew's father's homemade boat. It was a 40HP Plylight and you could only really ski on two skis. When John bought his new boat, Terry took a trip into town and hired a Connelly Octane wakeboard. This was his first wakeboarding experience. Since then Terry has bought two wakeboards of his own and continues to board whenever he can. Every year TIDALforce members attend a week long ski holiday so as to try and improve themselves, but with so many damn commitments they all find it difficult.To do my first invert. To perfect my cut and gain BIG AIR! To look as stylie as I can while doing the above :)